Characterizing the effects of human body blockage and scattering objects for 31and 33 GHz indoor 5G link
Conference paperThis paper is concerned with studying the effects of human body blockage as well as surrounding objects scattering effects for an indoor 31 and 33 GHz link utilizing the Double Knife Edge Diffraction (DKED) model for diffraction effect on received signal.
Ahmed Hassen ELjeealy Ben Alabish, (05-2021), IEEEAccess: 2021 IEEE 1st International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering MI-STA, 1-4
Correlation between Relative Grain Yield of Two Local Wheat Genotypes and phosphorus soil test
Journal ArticleField experiment was conducted to evaluate the correlation relationship between the yield of two localized wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum,) Acsad 901 and Salamboo and Olsen phosphorus soil test (0.5 M of NaHCO3 at pH 8.5) values. The experimental site was run at west sector of Libya. The experimental site pH was 8.4 and the texture is sandy The experiment consisted of three replicates and three phosphate fertilizer rates which equivalent, (0, 60, and 120) kg P2O5 ha-1 for both genotypes. The results of grain yield of the experiment were expressed by relative values (Relative Yield). The relative yield (RY) illustrated the relationship between soil test values and the grain yield clearly. Very close correlation relationship (r = 0.98 ) between relative yield of grain and the soil test values of Salamboo was found whereas Acsad genotypes was achieved less correlation( r =0.69) at 0 kg P2O5 ha-1 for both genotypes. The similarity between the two genotypes was very close (r = 0.99 ) for treatments that received high phosphate rate.
Mohammed Abdulbari Mohammed Billaed, (04-2021), طرابلس: المجلة الدولية للعلوم والتقنية, 25 (25), 1-8
SWOT analysis applications: An integrative literature review
Journal ArticleA strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis has become a key tool used
by businesses for strategic planning. Scholars have conducted SWOT research for over six
decades. However, a collective understanding of SWOT analysis remains vague. This study
accessed, analyzed, and synthesized the SWOT literature, allowing for new theoretical
perspectives and frameworks to emerge. Using an integrative literature review, this study reviewed
SWOT studies historically, providing a greater understanding of the SWOT analysis in different
sectors and the different approaches used in SWOT studies. Furthermore, it fills the knowledge
gap in the strategic planning context and indicates meaningful implications for managers that could
help improve their strategic decisions.
Mostafa Ali Mohamed Benzaghta, (03-2021), Journal of Global Business Insights: Scholar Commons, 6 (1), 54-72
Lithostratigraphy of the upper Lower Devonian through the upper Middle Devonian succession of the southeast Darling Basin, western New South Wales, southeastern Australia: a case study of sedimentological features and significance of depositional facies
Journal ArticleDetailed sedimentological analysis of depositional facies through lithostratigraphic correlation was conducted for the upper
Lower Devonian through the upper Middle Devonian Snake Cave Interval strata of the southeast Darling Basin. The methodology
used includes identifying changes in rock types from sedimentary lithotypes within different facies associations from well
data, wireline-log patterns and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. This has helped to define a lithostratigraphic correlation for
the Snake Cave Interval section. This study has re-interpreted the upper and lower boundaries of the Snake Cave Interval using
marked changes in gamma-ray log features and core and cutting lithology logs to estimate the depth of these boundaries from
three wells. The Snake Cave Interval consists of ten lithotypes that define three facies associations (FAs) in the three available
wells. These were deposited within three main facies associations: meandering fluvial facies association A (MFFA-A), braided
fluvial facies association B (BFFA-B) and fluvio-shallow lacustrine complex facies association C (FSLCFA-C). The paper
includes a broad description of the significance of lithostratigraphic facies related to depositional environments of the upper
Lower Devonian through the upper middle Devonian succession section.
Mohamed Khalifa Masoud Khalifa, (03-2021), Arabian Journal of Geosciences: springer, 1 (1), 1-1
دراسة تداخل مياه البحر إلى الخزان الجوفي الأول بمدينة زليتن
مقال في مجلة علميةنظراً للحاجة الماسة للمياه الجوفية لأغراض الاستخدام المنزلي والزراعي والصناعي أُجري هذا البحث لدراسة تداخل مياه البحر إلى بعض الآبار التي تضخ من قبل مرافق بلدية زليتن. تم جمع 23 عينة مياه جوفية في يناير 2019 من الآبار الموزعة بمنطقة الدراسة. تم تحليل عينات المياه لقياس تركيز الصوديوم (+Na) والكلوريد (-Cl) والكالسيوم (Ca+ 2) والماغنيسيوم (Mg+ 2) و مجموع الأملاح الذائبة الكلية (TDS). أيضا تم حساب مؤشر جونز (Jouns Ratio) لتحديد منطقة تداخل مياه البحر التي من أصل بحري داخل اليابسة. أظهرت نتائج التحاليل الكيميائية لعينات مياه الآبار أن هناك زيادة في تركيز TDS حيث تراوحت بين (1536-7545) مليجرام/ لتر، وزيادة في تركيز كل من الكلوريد حيث تراوح ما بين (280-3190) مليجرام/لتر، وتركيز الصوديوم (1256.08-45.5) مليجرام/ لتر ، وتركيز الكالسيوم (128-442) مليجرام/لتر تتجاوز الحد المسموح به من قبل منظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO). بينما مؤشر جونز يزداد بأغلب منطقة الدراسة عن 0.84، وبالتالي لاتُعد المياه من أصل بحري لأغلب المنطقة. عدا شمال شرق وشمال غرب المنطقة وجزء من وسط المنطقة، وتصل مسافة تداخل المياه المالحة إلى 6 كيلومتر بشرق وغرب منطقة الدراسة.
مصطفى علي محمد بن زقطة، (03-2021)، المجلة الليبية للعلوم الزراعية: جامعة طرابلس، 26 (1)، 1-16
Journal ArticleHadya Soliman Hadya Hawedi, (01-2021), مجلة المنتدى األكاديمي: نقابة اعضاء هيئة التدريس الاسمرية, 1 (5), 174-189
Agronomic Phosphorus use Efficiency and Partial factor productivity for wheat genotypes
Conference paperFactorial field experiment was done to estimate agronomic phosphorus use efficiency (APE) and partial factor productivity (PFP). The experiment was run in a private farm in Janzour area which is located west of Tripoli Libya in 2018. Two localized wheat genotypes (L1, and L2) and three rates of triple super phosphate fertilizer (0, 60, and 120) kg P2O5 ha-1 were used. The results indicated that both genotypes have good response to phosphate fertilization. APE and PFP achieved positive relationship with only 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 rate for both genotypes. Moreover, APE calculation showed positive relationship with increasing soil phosphorus test values, meanwhile, APE values was kept steady at 120 kg P2O5 ha-1 .
Mohammed Abdulbari Mohammed Billaed, (11-2020), Tripoli / Libya: ICTS (MI5032) International Conference on Technology, 334-339
Correlation of the lithostratigraphic facies relationships and depositional environments of the uppermost Silurian through Lower Devonian strata across the central Darling Basin, western New South Wales, SE Australia
Conference paperThis paper is focused on the detailed lithostratigraphic facies characterisation of the paleo-environments
of the uppermost Silurian through Lower Devonian Winduck Interval strata from the
Bancannia South 1, Pondie Range 1 and Booligal Creek 1 and 2 wells, across the central Darling
Basin of western New South Wales. Based on data from both wireline logs and drill cores and cuttings,
an interpretation of paleo-environments and evolution of the depositional facies is presented.
Our approach involves two key interpretations. The first outcome was the delineation of
the Winduck Interval section (maximum observed thickness of approximately 1475m) and formal
subdivision into lower and upper Winduck Intervals, based on well data from the central
Bancannia Trough, southern Pondie Range Sub-basin and northwestern flank of the Blantyre Subbasin.
The second outcome is based on the internal lithostratigraphy of the Winduck Interval represented
by 11 sedimentary lithofacies organised into three lithofacies associations (LFAs). LFA-X1
is interpreted as distributary-channel sandstone complex deposits, LFA-X2 is interpreted as
distributary mouth bar with small-scale braided delta plain complex deposits and LFA-X3 is interpreted
as tidal channel sands with proximal delta front complex deposits. Subsurface lithostratigraphic
facies analysis relationships and depositional environments of the Winduck Interval section
have implications for evaluating the hydrocarbon potential and may assist future exploration
efforts in the central Darling Basin, especially the Bancannia Trough and Pondie Range Sub-basin.
Mohamed Khalifa Masoud Khalifa, (11-2020), Australian Journal of Earth Sciences: Taylor & Francis Group, 1-16
Journal ArticleHadya Soliman Hadya Hawedi, (06-2020), Journal of Alasmarya University: Basic and Applied Sciences: JAUBA, 1 (5), 88-105
استخدام تقنية معالجة الصور ومقارنتها بتقنية الآردوينو-تصميم إشارة مرور ذكية انموذجا
مقال في مجلة علميةهدية سليمان هدية هويدي، (06-2020)، مجلة العلوم الاقتصادية و السياسية: الاقتصاد و التجارة الاسمرية، 16 (1)، 359-388