دراسة المحتوى الكيميائي لبعض العناصر الثقيلة في مياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة بحوض ساسو بمصراتة ليبيا وملائمتها للأغراض الزراعية
مقال في مجلة علميةيعد استخدام مياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة للأغراض المختلفة أحد أهم البدائل الاستراتيجية للمياه
المتجددة، ومن أولويات خطط التنمية في كثير من بلدان العالم؛ خاصًة تلك التي تعاني من نقص في مواردها
المائية التقليدية، بالإضافة إلى أهميتها من النواحي الصحية والبيئية والاقتصادية، وأن استخدام هذه النوعية من
المياه مرهون بمدى تحقيق مستويات آمنة، لإعادة استخدامها في مجالات الرَيّ الزراعي وأي استخدامات
أخرى. أجريت هذه الدراسة لبيان مدى تلوث مياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة للاستخدام الزراعي المتجمعة في
حوض ساسو بمدينة مصراتة – ليبيا، حيث تم تقدير تركيز بعض العناصر الثقيلة وهي الرصاص، والكادميوم،
والزنك، والنحاس، والحديد، حيث أخذت ) 40 ( عينة من أربعة أماكن موزعة في الحوض وتحليل مياهه
كيميائيًا على مدار ستة أشهر، ابتداءً من أول شهر مارس إلى نهاية شهر أغسطس لعام: 2010 م، وقد تم تحديد
تم اعتماد مواصفتين قياسيتين لمدى صلاحية مياه الحوض لاستخدامها .(GPS) موقع الحوض باستخدام جهاز
2013 (، ومواصفة منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم - للرَيّ الزراعي وهي المواصفة القياسية الليبية ) 770
.) المتحدة لعام ) 1989
بينتت النتتائج وجتود ت يترات شتهرية فتي نوعيتة الميتاه باختلافتات مكانيتة وزمنيتة للم شًترات المدروستة وفقًتا
لاستتخدام الميتاه المعالجتة والظتروف المحيطتة بهتا. ستجلت النتتائج ارتفتا فتتي كت م ل متن متوستط قتيم الرصتاص،
1.021 ( علتتتتى التتتتتوالي مكانيًتتتتا ،0.100 ،0.001 ،1.041 mg/L( والكتتتتادميوم، والنحتتتتاس، والحديتتتتد وهتتتتي
وزمنيًا.نتائج عينات الدراسة تدل علتى أن الميتاه المعالجتة المتجمعتة بحتوض ساستو لا ترتقتي ضتمن المواصتفات
المحلية، والعالمية المسموح والموصي بها في الرَيّ الزراعي.
مصطفى علي محمد بن زقطة، (11-2022)، مجلة العلوم: جامعة مصراتة، 15 (1)، 95-103
Experimental investigation of the influence of carbonated water on sandstone and carbonate rock properties
Journal ArticleLaboratory measurements using nuclear magnetic resonance, scanning electron microscopy, and gas
porosity and permeability analysis were conducted to acquire a petrophysical interpretation of the
Carbon Tan Sandstone and Savonnieres Carbonate for potential carbon dioxide storage in subsurface
formations. The relationships between pore structures, such as pore-size distribution, pore geometry,
and porosity/permeability, were investigated near and far from the wellbore. At operating pressures of
2500psi (17.24 MPa) and temperatures of 176 F (50 C), carbonated water was injected into a composite
core constructed of two similar core samples bounded by a compact disc located between them. The
current results showed that a strong calcite dissolution took place near the injection position of both rock
samples and led to improvements in the primary intergranular permeability and porosity, while the
carbonate sample showed significant improvement compared to sandstone. The durable heterogeneous
dissolution of calcite grains also led to the creation of new pores as intra-granular micro-pores. While at
deeper depths from the injection position, it noticed an insignificant development in pore structure and
its populations as well as rock hydraulic properties of both rock samples. In conclusion, the study
revealed that the injected carbonated brine had a valuable impact on fluid-formation interactive, which
improved rock's inlet properties compared with outlet.
Mohamed Khalifa Masoud Khalifa, (10-2022), Petroleum Research: Elsevier, 1 (1), 1-1
Atlas of the Frogs of Libya
Journal ArticleYou can follow the whole paper
David C. Blackburn, Stuart V. Nielsen, Tarek Basher Jdeidi, (07-2022), USA: Herpetological Review, 53 (2), 211-219
Effect of some Inorganic Substances to Improve Growth of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)
Journal ArticleUnderstanding the interactions among soil properties,
salinity and the inorganic substances application is
great importance for improving growth of Coriander [Coriandrum sativum L.] in sandy soils. In the present
study, twenty seeds of Coriander were sown during the growing season 2016 to investigate the effe ct of some
inorganic substances [Bentonite, Nano selenium and Micronutrients mixture] on Coriander growth and
properties of sandy soil under salinity condition. A split plot design replicated thrice was used in this study.
The results indicated significa nt succeed in enhancing all estimated soil properties, such as available
nutrients in soil, EC, pH and bulk density. Besides, traits of coriander plant i.e., plant height, fresh, dry weights
and plant chemical composition. Therefore, it could be recommende d that adding of inorganic substances can
improve the sandy soil properties and growth parameters of coriander plant
Mostafa Ali Mohamed Benzaghta, (06-2022), Sirte University Scientific Journal (Applied Sciences): جامعة سرت, 13 (1), 39-52
Predicting sequence stratigraphic architecture and its implication for hydrocarbon reservoir potential of the uppermost Silurian through Lower Devonian Winduck Interval, central Darling Basin of western New South Wales, SE Australia
Journal ArticleThis paper provides the results of lithostratigraphy and depositional environment of the uppermost Silurian
through Lower Devonian Winduck Interval section from three areas widely distributed in the central Bancannia
Trough from Bancannia South 1 well, the southern Pondie Range Sub-basin from Pondie Range 1 well and the
northwestern part of the Blantyre Sub-basin from two wells, the Booligal Creek 1 and 2. These wells were studied
using wireline log, core and cutting data to predict sequence stratigraphic architecture and its implication for
hydrocarbon sandstone reservoir potential. This study necessitated the use of detailed facies prediction relationships
and geometry of lithostratigraphic concepts for the purpose of establishing a sequence stratigraphic
architecture framework of the studied areas. Two units were established, lower and upper Winduck Interval,
within the Winduck Interval identified by lithological data examination and wireline log characteristics of the
sediments from the four wells in the study area. Results of the lithology type analysis showed that the Winduck
Interval is interbedded richly in sandstone and siltstone complex deposits. This paper presents a clear picture of
the sequence stratigraphic model, as well as that of the three third-order depositional sequences (DS1, DS2 and
DS3, respectively) that are identified from changes in systems tracts patterns (composed of lowstand, transgressive
and highstand), vertical and lateral facies sequence thickness changes and the lithostratigraphic units
distribution in the Winduck Interval section. Potential reservoir prospectivity targets are identified in lowstand
system tracts and highstand system tracts deposits consisting of sandstone facies and thin silts, while the
transgressive system tracts deposits consist of shales and some interbedded shaly siltstones, many having
excellent potential source and seal properties. The contribution of sequence stratigraphy as an approach to
understanding lithostratigraphy of the Winduck Interval has important significance in regard to future hydrocarbon
reservoirs exploration across the central Darling Basin.
Mohamed Khalifa Masoud Khalifa, (04-2022), Marine and Petroleum Geology: Elsevier, 26 (-1), -1--1
Relative Grain Yield of Two Wheat Genotypes and Its relationship to Law of Diminishing Return
Journal ArticleFactorial field experiment was conducted to evaluate relationship between two genotypes of local wheat (Triticum aestivum) and phosphorus soil test values. The M 0.5 NaHCO3 based (Olsen phosphorus) extractant was carried out on soils taken from the plots. The experiment was conducted at western region of Libya. Soil pH at the experimental site was 8.1 and the texture is sandy. The experiment was performed using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) method with three replicates for each treatment of phosphate fertilizer at concentrations of 0, 60, and 120 kg P2O5 ha-1 for both genotypes. Results were expressed by relative values (Relative Yield). Relative yield (RY) of the two wheat cultivars showed similar significant responses to both soil test values and the grain yield. Linear relationship between relative yield and the grain yield at 0 kg P2O5 ha-1 for both genotypes was found, whereas, non-linear relationship was noticed among treatments that received 120 kg P2O5 ha-1. Both the linear and non- linear relationship have explained by tendency curves and showed how both genotypes response to phosphate fertilizer.
Abdulbari Mohammed Billaed, Khaled Meelod Yousef Shaheen, (10-2021), Libya: International Science and Technology Journal, 26 (26), 1-1
Isolation of lumpy skin disease virus isolated from SPPV vaccinated catlle
Journal Article2017 and 2018 at Beni-Suef governorate. Samples from diseased cattle, previously SPPV vaccinated with SPPV, were inoculated in embryonated chicken eggs (ECE) using chorio-allantoic membrane (CAM) route. Histopathological examination of the inoculated CAMs showed large eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies characteristic for LSDV. Characteristic pock lesions were observed after the 1st passage and become clear after the third passage and become clearly observed 4 days post inoculation. For molecular identification, DNA was extracted from a pool of the infected CAMs. Two pairs of primers specific for LSDV including one flanking a 554 bp product of the G gene and second flanking 172 of the RP030 gene were used. In conclusion, LSDV infections have been detected and the virus has been isolated and identified by PCR from cattle previously vaccinated with SPPV vaccine during the summer of 2018
Bakar, L., (08-2021), Egypt: Journal of Veterinary Medical Research, 28 (2357), 1-7
Correlation and sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the lithostratigraphic Snake Cave Interval: Implications for hydrocarbon reservoir prospectivity between the southeast Blantyre and northwestern Neckarboo Sub-basins, Darling Basin, southeastern Aus
Journal ArticleCorrelation and sequence stratigraphic interpretation was conducted on the upper Lower through upper Middle
Devonian sandstones of the Snake Cave Interval succession between the southeast Blantyre and northwestern
Neckarboo sub-basins across the central Darling Basin. This article necessitated the definition and use of many
sedimentary lithotypes related to different facies associations and depositional environment criteria for the
purpose of establishing the sequence stratigraphy to aid hydrocarbon exploration of the studied areas. The data
set used a combination of wireline logs, core/cutting data and analysis of the paleo-environments of sedimentary
facies from three wells. The sedimentological analysis showed that the Snake Cave Interval section presents three
different facies associations, which are visible in both vertical and lateral successions, and are characterised as:
meandering and braided fluvial facies associations with minor fluvio-shallow lacustrine complex facies associations.
The Snake Cave Interval section in the studied areas is consistently defined by six third-order depositional
sequences informally named SCS1, SCS2, SCS3, SCS4, SCS5 and SCS6 in the Nyngynderry-1 and Mount Emu-1
exploration wells, and the Kewell East-1 stratigraphic well. All the stratal patterns in the internal sequence
stratigraphic units are asymmetric and marked by lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts separated
by sequence boundaries, maximum flooding surfaces and transgression surfaces with unique gamma-ray log
response characteristics calibrated by particular lithologic aspects. These are all incorporated within the
sequence stratigraphic approach to hydrocarbon reservoir prediction. The stratigraphic architecture of the thirdorder
depositional sequences presented here in our study has implications for the hydrocarbon potential of
sandstone reservoirs in the southeastern Darling Basin including the Snake Cave Interval succession targets.
Mohamed Khalifa Masoud Khalifa, (06-2021), Marine and Petroleum Geology: Elsevier, 1 (1), 1-1
Measurement System and its Suitability for Examining Indoor Millimeter Wave Propagation at (28–33GHz)
Conference paperThe purpose of this study is to determine the suitability of system measurements on indoor radio wave propagation at (28–33GHz) which might be used by 5G communication.
Ahmed Ben Alabish, Abduelbaset Mustafa Alia Goweder, (05-2021), IEEEAccess: 2021 IEEE 1st International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering MI-STA, 1-4
DKED modelling of Human body blockage of 5G system link at 32 GHz
Conference paperThis paper is the continuation of a research carried out by Alabish et.al, which depicts the scattering objects effects on a blocked indoor wireless 5G link by a human body using a simple approach. Some measurement were made on the scattering effects due to having an object close to the link in this case it is a human body. In this paper, more measurements were conducted at 32 GHz. The double knife-edge diffraction (DKED) model was used in order to foresee the attenuation due to human body. To test the prediction precision of the model, simulation was then compared with measurements. The obtained results indicate that the assumed simple models for the indoor links performed well.
Ahmed Hassen ELjeealy Ben Alabish, (05-2021), IEEEAccess: 2021 IEEE 1st International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering MI-STA, 1-4