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Dr. Fathia A. Mosa

Editor in Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Science-Sirte University.

سالم عبدالغني عمر ابوقليلة, (04-2024), Sirte: الأكاديمية الليبية,

Certificates of re recognition
Technical Report

Certificates of re recognition from world environment

Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (07-2023), Current world envoronment: Current world envoronment,

Salem Aboglila_Certificate
Unpublished Work

Salem Aboglila_Certificate from Journal

Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (05-2023), ٍٍِSA: الأكاديمية الليبية,

The prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis among women in Zawia city
Journal Article

Trichomonas vaginalis is identified as greatest public sexually transmitted disease

Mostafa Mohamed Omar Abdoarrahem, Fawzia Alajeli Alharari Shawesh, (04-2023), Academy Journal For Basic and applied science: Libyan Academy, 5 (1), 1-11

Water Deficit at Different Growth Stages of Potato (Solanumtuberosum L.).
Journal Article

The experiment was conducted to assess the sensitivity of potato yield to dif-ferent irrigation levels at different growth stages. Irrigation levels were determined as percentages (WI 100% as readily available water to the crop (RAW)), and for the rest of the treatments (WII 75%, WIII 50%), as they were applied separately to all four stages of crop growth i.e., vegetative (SI), tuber initiation (SII), tuber bulking SIII, and tuber matu-ration (SIV). The design of complete random sectors was adopted to perform the experi-ments. The results revealed that all the studied parameters: plant height (cm), vegetation plant weight (g), number of tubers per plant, tuber weight (g), tuber yield (ton/ha), and crop water productivity (kg/m3) varied among irrigation water levels at different stages of growth. It was found that the two stages, SII and SIII in potato crops, were more sensitive to deficit irrigation compared to other stages. According to the obtained results, in the case of water abundance conditions, the treatment WII SI can be applied to obtain the highest water crop productivity. In conditions of water scarcity, it becomes necessary to apply the treatment WIII SIII to obtain the highest crop water productivity.

Mostafa Ali Mohamed Benzaghta, (12-2022), Al-mukhtar Journal of Sciences: جامعة عمر المختار, 37 (4), 316-328

دراسة المحتوى الكيميائي لبعض العناصر الثقيلة في مياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة بحوض ساسو بمصراتة ليبيا وملائمتها للأغراض الزراعية
مقال في مجلة علمية

يعد استخدام مياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة للأغراض المختلفة أحد أهم البدائل الاستراتيجية للمياه

المتجددة، ومن أولويات خطط التنمية في كثير من بلدان العالم؛ خاصًة تلك التي تعاني من نقص في مواردها

المائية التقليدية، بالإضافة إلى أهميتها من النواحي الصحية والبيئية والاقتصادية، وأن استخدام هذه النوعية من

المياه مرهون بمدى تحقيق مستويات آمنة، لإعادة استخدامها في مجالات الرَيّ الزراعي وأي استخدامات

أخرى. أجريت هذه الدراسة لبيان مدى تلوث مياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة للاستخدام الزراعي المتجمعة في

حوض ساسو بمدينة مصراتة – ليبيا، حيث تم تقدير تركيز بعض العناصر الثقيلة وهي الرصاص، والكادميوم،

والزنك، والنحاس، والحديد، حيث أخذت ) 40 ( عينة من أربعة أماكن موزعة في الحوض وتحليل مياهه

كيميائيًا على مدار ستة أشهر، ابتداءً من أول شهر مارس إلى نهاية شهر أغسطس لعام: 2010 م، وقد تم تحديد

تم اعتماد مواصفتين قياسيتين لمدى صلاحية مياه الحوض لاستخدامها .(GPS) موقع الحوض باستخدام جهاز

2013 (، ومواصفة منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم - للرَيّ الزراعي وهي المواصفة القياسية الليبية ) 770

.) المتحدة لعام ) 1989

بينتت النتتائج وجتود ت يترات شتهرية فتي نوعيتة الميتاه باختلافتات مكانيتة وزمنيتة للم شًترات المدروستة وفقًتا

لاستتخدام الميتاه المعالجتة والظتروف المحيطتة بهتا. ستجلت النتتائج ارتفتا فتتي كت م ل متن متوستط قتيم الرصتاص،

1.021 ( علتتتتى التتتتتوالي مكانيًتتتتا ،0.100 ،0.001 ،1.041 mg/L( والكتتتتادميوم، والنحتتتتاس، والحديتتتتد وهتتتتي

وزمنيًا.نتائج عينات الدراسة تدل علتى أن الميتاه المعالجتة المتجمعتة بحتوض ساستو لا ترتقتي ضتمن المواصتفات

المحلية، والعالمية المسموح والموصي بها في الرَيّ الزراعي.

مصطفى علي محمد بن زقطة، (11-2022)، مجلة العلوم: جامعة مصراتة، 15 (1)، 95-103

Organic Geochemical Evaluation of the Middle Devonian to Late Carboniferous Source Rocks, South East Murzuq Basin, SW Libya
Journal Article

Abstract— Ninety-four rock samples were taken from the Middle to Late Devonian Awaynat Wanin, Early Carboniferous Marar, Late Carboniferous Assedjefar formations. The cuttings of Assedjefar Marar and Awaynat Wanin Formations collected from two wells, in the A1-163 oil field, locateed in the Murzuq Basin. RockEval Pyrolysis, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and molecular biomarker (via the use of chromatographymass spectrometry, GC-MS) as geochemical parameters were applied to find out the types of kerogen, depositional conditions and level of organic matter maturity for representative samples. Such Formations are poor to excellent quantity of organic matter. Results of TOC related with remaining generation potential (S2) and hydrogen index (HI) data showed that the organic matter attributed to Type II/III and Type III kerogen (gas and oilprone organic matter), as well connected to S1 parameter indicated indigenous hydrocarbon exist. Ratios data of individual hydrocarbons, n-alkanes, isoprenoids and biomarkers parameters of Triterpanes and steranes indicate non-marine with marine organic matter deposited under non-marine conditions for Awaynat Wanin samples while Marar and Assedjiefar Formations deposited in nonmarine to deltaic conditions. The maturity data from Tmax, spore colour index and biomarker related parameters based on terpanes, steranes, and low molecular-weight hydrocarbons indicate the studied rocks are ranged from immature to mature.

Key Words— Awaynat Wanin Formation, Middle to Late Devonian, Kerogen, Biomarker, Rock Eval, Murzuq Basin

Salem Aboglila, الشارف البغدادي, (11-2022), Bright Star University (BSU): Libyan Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (LJEST), 2 (2), 122-130

Experimental investigation of the influence of carbonated water on sandstone and carbonate rock properties
Journal Article

Laboratory measurements using nuclear magnetic resonance, scanning electron microscopy, and gas

porosity and permeability analysis were conducted to acquire a petrophysical interpretation of the

Carbon Tan Sandstone and Savonnieres Carbonate for potential carbon dioxide storage in subsurface

formations. The relationships between pore structures, such as pore-size distribution, pore geometry,

and porosity/permeability, were investigated near and far from the wellbore. At operating pressures of

2500psi (17.24 MPa) and temperatures of 176 F (50 C), carbonated water was injected into a composite

core constructed of two similar core samples bounded by a compact disc located between them. The

current results showed that a strong calcite dissolution took place near the injection position of both rock

samples and led to improvements in the primary intergranular permeability and porosity, while the

carbonate sample showed significant improvement compared to sandstone. The durable heterogeneous

dissolution of calcite grains also led to the creation of new pores as intra-granular micro-pores. While at

deeper depths from the injection position, it noticed an insignificant development in pore structure and

its populations as well as rock hydraulic properties of both rock samples. In conclusion, the study

revealed that the injected carbonated brine had a valuable impact on fluid-formation interactive, which

improved rock's inlet properties compared with outlet.

Mohamed Khalifa Masoud Khalifa, (10-2022), Petroleum Research: Elsevier, 1 (1), 1-1

Atlas of the Frogs of Libya
Journal Article

You can follow the whole paper

David C. Blackburn, Stuart V. Nielsen, Tarek Basher Jdeidi, (07-2022), USA: Herpetological Review, 53 (2), 211-219

Effect of some Inorganic Substances to Improve Growth of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)
Journal Article

Understanding the interactions among soil properties,

salinity and the inorganic substances application is

great importance for improving growth of Coriander [Coriandrum sativum L.] in sandy soils. In the present

study, twenty seeds of Coriander were sown during the growing season 2016 to investigate the effe ct of some

inorganic substances [Bentonite, Nano selenium and Micronutrients mixture] on Coriander growth and

properties of sandy soil under salinity condition. A split plot design replicated thrice was used in this study.

The results indicated significa nt succeed in enhancing all estimated soil properties, such as available

nutrients in soil, EC, pH and bulk density. Besides, traits of coriander plant i.e., plant height, fresh, dry weights

and plant chemical composition. Therefore, it could be recommende d that adding of inorganic substances can

improve the sandy soil properties and growth parameters of coriander plant

Mostafa Ali Mohamed Benzaghta, (06-2022), Sirte University Scientific Journal (Applied Sciences): جامعة سرت, 13 (1), 39-52