The most Preferred Method of Contraception by Libyan women
Journal ArticleSeveral methods are used as tools for family planning and to avoid unintended pregnancies. It is important for healthcare providers to consider various factors when discussing contraceptive options with patients. This study explored the most commonly preferred methods pf contraception by Libyan women. Age of the women and number of children as well as women’ education were the most significant factors that influence selection of the contraception method. Results of the current study emphasized the need for more family education programs that provide more details about new methods of contraception as Libyan women seems to use more traditional methods of contraception.
Lutfi Mohamed Mohamed Bakar, (06-2024), Libyan Academy for Post graduate Studies: Libyan Academy, 3 (1), 168-170
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Dr. Fathia A. Mosa
Editor in Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Science-Sirte University.
سالم عبدالغني عمر ابوقليلة, (04-2024), Sirte: الأكاديمية الليبية,
Journal ArticleThe study area situated in the center of the Hameimat trough which is located in the southeast
of the Sirte basin. The Hameimat trough contains two of the largest oil fields in Libya,
Gialo and Abu-Attifel fields. The Upper Cretaceous Rachmat, Tagrifet, and Sirte
Formations are considered as the main source rock in Sirte Basin.
Organic geochemical study of the Upper Cretaceous Rachmat, Tagrifet and Sirte
Formations show these Formations have total organic carbon content values of 0.53% to
3.35% fair to excellent as source rock. The Kerogen types are type II and III mixed
continental and marine organic matter. The thermal maturity of these formations indicates a
mature stage in oil window.
Oil saturation index (OSI: S1*100/TOC) shows that Sirte and Rachamt formations have
low oil saturation, while the Tagrifet formation has good potential, where OSI exceeds 140
mg HC/g TOC in the most samples of the formation. The Tagrifet formation considers a
good unconventional reservoir for shale oil, where the Sirte and Rachmat formations
- consider possible for shale oil with high risk.
Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (01-2024), Journal of Basic Sciences (JBS): Libyan Academy, 37 (2), 145-168
Certificates of re recognition
Technical ReportCertificates of re recognition from world environment
Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (07-2023), Current world envoronment: Current world envoronment,
Salem Aboglila_Certificate
Unpublished WorkSalem Aboglila_Certificate from Journal
Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (05-2023), ٍٍِSA: الأكاديمية الليبية,
دراسة كفاءة استخدام المياه لمحصول الطماطم عند معدالت مختلفة من التسميد البوتاسي والري
مقال في مجلة علميةأجريت هذه الدراسة في منطقة جنزور غرب مدينة طرابلس الختبار تأثير مستويات مختلفة من التسميد البوتاسي والري بالتنقيط على كفاءة استخدام المياه لغرض تحديد أفضل مستوى للري والتسميد الذي يعطي انتاجية مقبولة لمحصول الطماطم تحت الظروف الحالية من ندرة المياه وارتفاع سعر األسمدة. ولتحقيق هذا الهدف تم زراعة محصول الطماطم لموسمين متتاليين ،2018 .2019 أستخدم في هذه الدراسة أكسيد البوتاسيوم بمعدالت )،0 ،150 300( كجم للهكتار في صورة سماد كلوريد بوتاسيوم، ومعدالت الري )،%75 ،100% 125%( من االحتياجات المائية المحصولية الموسمية التي قدرت )7200( متر مكعب للهكتار؛ كما أضيفت الجرعات الموصي بها من األسمدة النيتروجينية في صورة يوريا و األسمدة الفوسفاتية في صورة خامس أكسيد الفوسفور بمعدالت )،220 60( كجم للهكتار على التوالي. احتوت التجربة على ثالث مكررات بتصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة. أظهرت النتائج أن أحسن كفاءة استخدام للمياه (WUE (Efficiency Use Water كانت 4.29 كجم/م³ عند مستوى ري %100 ومستوى تسميد بوتاسيوم 300 كجم/هكتار، وكانت أقل قيمة لكفاءة استخدام المياه 1.89 كجم/م³ عند مستوى ري %125 ومستوى تسميد بوتاسيوم 0 كجم/هكتار.
عبدالباري محمد محمد بلعيد، (04-2023)، طرابلس: المجلـــة الليبيــة للغـــذاء والتغذيــة، 1 (4)، 1-10
The prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis among women in Zawia city
Journal ArticleTrichomonas vaginalis is identified as greatest public sexually transmitted disease
Mostafa Mohamed Omar Abdoarrahem, Fawzia Alajeli Alharari Shawesh, (04-2023), Academy Journal For Basic and applied science: Libyan Academy, 5 (1), 1-11
Effect of potassium drip fertigation on fruit yield, agronomic efficiency and partial factor productivity of tomato under western Libyan conditions
Conference paperThis study examined effect of potassium drip fertigation on the growth and
fruit yield of tomato under field conditions at western Libyan conditions, in two
consecutive seasons. The soil texture sites was sandy, pH around 8.0. the soil potassium
was extracted and estimated by flam photometer at 766 μm. The rate of potassium fertilizer
were F1: 0; F2: 150; F3: 300 kg K2O ha-1 as potassium chloride form in three replicates.
The experimental site was designed in randomized complete block (RCBD). and I1: 75%
ET𝑐; I2: 100% ET𝑐; I3: 125% ET𝑐 levels for irrigation. The interactions for both potassium
fertilization levels and irrigation treatments with fruit yield were found. The single
treatments of potassium fertilization or irrigation significantly affected the tomato fruit
yield, where fertilization and irrigation applications increased the fruit weight from 13.99 t
ha-1 to 34.47 t ha-1 t/ha minimum in F1I1 and maximum in F3I3. Application of different Kfertilizers
and irrigations had significant effect in PFP (partial factor productivity), and
AUE (agronomic use efficiency) as compared to K-control plots of tomato. The average of
PFP for K and irrigation in two treatments were 65.65 kg kg-1 in F2I3, and 59.43 kg kg-1 in
F3I3 which are greater than the values of control, F1I1, F1I2, and F1I3 treatments
Mohammed Abdulbari Mohammed Billaed, (03-2023), طرابلس: جامعة طرابلس, 16-23
Organic Geochemical Evaluation of the Middle Devonian to Late Carboniferous Source Rocks, South East Murzuq Basin, SW Libya
Journal ArticleAbstract— Ninety-four rock samples were taken from the Middle to Late Devonian Awaynat Wanin, Early Carboniferous Marar, Late Carboniferous Assedjefar formations. The cuttings of Assedjefar Marar and Awaynat Wanin Formations collected from two wells, in the A1-163 oil field, locateed in the Murzuq Basin. RockEval Pyrolysis, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and molecular biomarker (via the use of chromatographymass spectrometry, GC-MS) as geochemical parameters were applied to find out the types of kerogen, depositional conditions and level of organic matter maturity for representative samples. Such Formations are poor to excellent quantity of organic matter. Results of TOC related with remaining generation potential (S2) and hydrogen index (HI) data showed that the organic matter attributed to Type II/III and Type III kerogen (gas and oilprone organic matter), as well connected to S1 parameter indicated indigenous hydrocarbon exist. Ratios data of individual hydrocarbons, n-alkanes, isoprenoids and biomarkers parameters of Triterpanes and steranes indicate non-marine with marine organic matter deposited under non-marine conditions for Awaynat Wanin samples while Marar and Assedjiefar Formations deposited in nonmarine to deltaic conditions. The maturity data from Tmax, spore colour index and biomarker related parameters based on terpanes, steranes, and low molecular-weight hydrocarbons indicate the studied rocks are ranged from immature to mature.
Key Words— Awaynat Wanin Formation, Middle to Late Devonian, Kerogen, Biomarker, Rock Eval, Murzuq Basin
Alsharef Abdassalam Abdallah Albaghdady, Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (12-2022), ليبيا: جامعة النجم الساطع, 2 (2), 122-130
Water Deficit at Different Growth Stages of Potato (Solanumtuberosum L.).
Journal ArticleThe experiment was conducted to assess the sensitivity of potato yield to dif-ferent irrigation levels at different growth stages. Irrigation levels were determined as percentages (WI 100% as readily available water to the crop (RAW)), and for the rest of the treatments (WII 75%, WIII 50%), as they were applied separately to all four stages of crop growth i.e., vegetative (SI), tuber initiation (SII), tuber bulking SIII, and tuber matu-ration (SIV). The design of complete random sectors was adopted to perform the experi-ments. The results revealed that all the studied parameters: plant height (cm), vegetation plant weight (g), number of tubers per plant, tuber weight (g), tuber yield (ton/ha), and crop water productivity (kg/m3) varied among irrigation water levels at different stages of growth. It was found that the two stages, SII and SIII in potato crops, were more sensitive to deficit irrigation compared to other stages. According to the obtained results, in the case of water abundance conditions, the treatment WII SI can be applied to obtain the highest water crop productivity. In conditions of water scarcity, it becomes necessary to apply the treatment WIII SIII to obtain the highest crop water productivity.
Mostafa Ali Mohamed Benzaghta, (12-2022), Al-mukhtar Journal of Sciences: جامعة عمر المختار, 37 (4), 316-328