Performance Evaluation of Fast Handover in Mobile IPv6 Based on Link-Layer Information
Journal Article

Handover latency is the primary cause of packet loss resulting in performance degradation of standard Mobile IPv6. Mobile IPv6 with fast Handover enables a Mobile Node (MN) to quickly detect at the IP layer that it has moved to a new subnet by receiving link-related information from the link-layer; furthermore it gathers anticipative information about the new Access Point (AP) and the associated subnet prefix when the MN is still connected to the previous Corresponding Node (CN).

This paper proposes an enhancement to Fast Mobile IPv6 handover (FMIPv6), based on link layer information, we also present performance evaluations in terms of the packet loss and handover latency using evaluation models.

Mohammed Alnaas, (06-2010), Elsevier: Elsevier, 6 (83), 1644-1650

Network Security for QoS Routing Metrics
Conference paper

Abstract— Data security is an essential requirement, especially when sending information over a network. Network security has three goals called confidentiality, integrity and availability (or Access). Encryption is the most common technique used to achieve this goal. However, the computer society has not yet agreed on a standard method to measure data security. The ultimate goal of this study is to define security metrics based on different aspects of network security, and then demonstrate how these metrics could be used in Quality of Service (QoS) routing to find the most secure path connecting two distant nodes (source and destination) across an internetwork. Three security metrics are proposed in this document, these metrics have been derived from three important issues of network security, namely: authentication, encryption and traffic filtration techniques (firewalls and intrusion detection systems). The metrics follow different composition rules in that the first is binary, the second is either concave or additive and the last is multiplicative. Routing algorithms that make use of such metrics have been implemented in the C# programming language to test the viability of the proposed solution. Computational effort and blocking probability are the most commonly used performance measures were used to assess the behavior and the performance of these routing algorithms. Results obtained show that the algorithms were able to find feasible paths between communicating parties and helped in making reasonable savings in the computational effort needed to find an acceptable path. Consequently, higher blocking probabilities were encountered, which is thus the price to be paid for the savings.  

Ibrahem Ali Mohammed Almerhag, Abduelbaset Mustafa Alia Goweder, (05-2010), The International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Proceedings of ICCCE 2010, 151-157

Simply Connectivty of Immediate Bsins of Newton’s Function.
Journal Article

In this paper we want to show that each immediate basin of fixed points of Newton’s

function for a real polynomial is simply connected.

Keywords: Newton’s function, Immediate basin, Simply connected.

omar Ismail omar elhasadi, (03-2010), الاكاديمية الليبية جنزور: Libyan Academy, 8 (4), 28-32

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Bis-[Co (L)(NCS)(MeOH)] Where (LH= 4-(Salicylaldimine) antipyrine)
Journal Article

The title complex was isolated as red solid material from the reaction of Co(SCN)2 with 4(Salicylaldimine) antipyrine in ethanol. The molecular structure has been determined by elemental analysis, FT IR, UV-Vis and X-ray diffraction. The crystallographic data are: monoclinic

P21/n, a = 9.8335(3) A, b = 18.8593(6) A, c = 11.2921(4) A, = 90', =  = 90', V = 2041.46(12) Å3 and Z 2, R =0.045. The dicobalt (Il) complex is centrosymmetric dimer in which the Co(ll) ions are six coordinate being bonded to three coordinating donor sites from the corresponding tridentate Schiff base ligand and the fourth one is relatively bonded by phenolic oxygen, the fifth and sixth donor sites comes from isothiocyanate and methanol.

A. Eldewik, El-Mehdawja R. M, KreddanC K. M, El-Hamrunr S. H, Hend ben HussienC, Hitchcokd P. B, Shabasha A. A, (03-2010), Jordan Journal of Chemistry Mol: JJC, 5 (12), 157-164

Unsupervised Sentence Boundary Detection Approach for Arabic.
Conference paper


Punkt (German for period) is a sentence boundary detection system that divides an English text into a list of sentences using an unsupervised algorithm developed by Kiss and Strunk (2006) [6]. This algorithm is based-on the assumption that a large number of ambiguities in the determination of sentence boundaries can be eliminated once abbreviations have been identified.

    The Punkt system was adapted to support Arabic language. The modified Punkt is trained on Arabic Corpus to build a model for abbreviation words, collocations, and words that start sentences. An evaluation of the performance of the modified Punkt system has revealed that an accuracy rate close to 99% has been achieved for detecting Arabic sentence boundaries.


Abduelbaset Mustafa Alia Goweder, (12-2009), University of Science and Technology, Yemen.: Proceedings of ACIT 2009, 289-297

A General Technique for Graduating SQL Schema from XML Schema.
Conference paper

It is possible to generate an SQL schema from XML Schema manually; however automatically generating an SQL schema from XML Schema would generally be very beneficial. This paper presents XML Schema-driven generation architecture components with XSL Stylesheet. In this paper, an algorithm for this type of generation is presented. The inputs of the algorithm are XML Schema and XSL Stylesheet, and the output is an SQL schema. The proposed algorithm shows how this component can automatically be generated. An evaluation of the proposed algorithm is also presented by testing the algorithm with different examples.  

Ali Sayeh Ahmed Elbekai, Abduelbaset Mustafa Alia Goweder, (12-2009), University of Science and Technology, Yemen.: Proceedings of ACIT 2009, 177-185

Genetic basis for alkaline activation of germination in Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Israelensis
Journal Article

Differences in activation between spores from strains of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis with and without the toxin-encoding plasmid pBtoxis are demonstrated. Following alkaline activation, the strain bearing pBtoxis shows a significantly greater germination rate. Expression of just three genes constituting a previously identified, putative ger operon from this plasmid is sufficient to produce the same phenotype and characterizes this operon as a genetic determinant of alkaline activation.

Mostafa Mohamed Omar Abdoarrahem, K Gammon, B N Dancer, Colin Bery, (10-2009), Applied and Environmental Microbiology: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75 (-19), 6410-6413

تأثير تلوث المياه الجوفية على كفاءة الماشية في منطقة صبراتة وصرمان.
مقال في مجلة علمية

الملخص: تم أخد عٌنات من بعض مٌياه الابار فى كل من منطقة صبراته وصرمان بهدف استبيان مدى جودتها وصالحٌيتها لتغطٌية احتٌياجات الماشٌية من الماء, وتم مراعاة الدقة في أخد عٌينة الماء من حٌيث: الحجم, منع اي مصادر للتلوث, ترك فراغ مناسب أعلى القنٌنة لكً تسهل عملٌة الرج قبل أجراء التحلٌالت الكٌمٌائٌة, قٌاس درجة حرارة الماء وتسجٌلها قبل أن توضع العٌنات فً صندوق ٌحتوي على مكعبات من الثلج الرسالة الى المختبر إلجراء التحلٌالت الالزمة. وقد اشتملت الدراسة على دلٌل لمواصفات أستخدام مٌاه الشرب الخاصة بالحٌوان )الماشٌة(, والمشاكل المحتملة من المحتوى العنصرى الذي ٌإثر على جودة المٌاه لشرب الماشٌة, باإلضافة الى أهم الطرق المستخدمة لمعالجة ذلك. وتشٌر النتائج المتحصل علٌها, فً حدود أقل قٌمة – أعلى قٌمة, ألهم التحلٌالت التى اجرٌيت لمٌياه الابار تحت الدراسة فًي منطقتًي صبراته وصرمان الى ما ٌيلي :ً = )368.47-14(, النترات 2- االمالح الذائبة الكلٌة TDS(= 1551-78.80), الكبرٌتات 4SO , NO3 - = )0.0-0.30(, الحدٌد Fe = )ppm 0.0-1.3), الماغنسٌوم Mg 2+ 2+ ,)160-19-2.35( = الرقم الهٌدروجٌنً pH( = 6.5-8.0).. من خالل مقارنة هذه القٌم بالمعاٌٌر والمواصفات القٌاسٌة المعروفة )دالئل جودة مٌاه الشرب 7891(, ٌمكن القول ان مٌياه الابار في منطقة الدراسة تعتبر آمنه من حٌث االستخدام لشرب الماشٌة دون ترك أي آثار سلبٌة على كفاءة وصحة الحٌوان. والستدامة االستفادة من مٌاه هذه الابار فى تغطٌة احتٌاجات الماشٌة من الماء بمنطقتي الدراسة ٌيوصى بمنع تلوث مٌياه الابار عن طرٌيق تبطٌينها وتغطٌيتها, وحماٌيتها من التآكل عن طرٌيق رصف المنطقة المحٌيطة وإقامة الاسوار لتقٌٌيد حركة الانسان والحٌيوان.

خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (02-2009)، Fayoum Journal of Agricultural Research and Development (FJARD): Fayoum University, Faculty of Agriculture، 2 (23)، 51-58

An Anti-Spam System using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Conference paper

Nowadays, e-mail is widely becoming one of the fastest and most economical forms of communication .Thus, the e-mail is prone to be misused. One such misuse is the posting of unsolicited, unwanted e-mails known as spam or junk e-mails. This paper presents and discusses an implementation of an Anti-spam filtering system, which uses a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) as a classifier and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a training algorithm. Standard genetic operators and advanced techniques of GA algorithm are used to train the MLP. The implemented filtering system has achieved an accuracy of about 94% to detect spam e-mails, and 89% to detect legitimate e-mails. 

Abduelbaset Mustafa Alia Goweder, (12-2008), University of Safax, Safax, Tunisia: Proceedings of ACIT2008, 177-185

Arabic Broken Plural using a Machine Translation Technique
Conference paper

 Abstract The Arabic language presents significant challenges to many natural language processing applications. The broken plu rals (BP) problem is one of these challenges especially for information retrieval applications. It is difficult to deal with Arabic broken plurals and reduce them to their associated singulars, because no obvious rules exist, and there are no standard stemming algorithms that can process them. This paper attempts to handle the problem of broken plural by de veloping a method to identify broken plurals in an unvowelised Arabic text and reducing them to their correct singular forms by incorporating the simple broken plural matching approach, with a machine translation system and an English stemmer as a new approach. A set of experiments has been conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed method using a number of text samples extracted from a large Arabic corpus (AL-Hayat newspaper). The obtained re sults are analyzed and discussed.

Abduelbaset Mustafa Alia Goweder, (12-2008), University of Safax, Safax, Tunisia: Proceedings of ACIT2008, 64-71