Using Access Control List against Denial of service attacks
Journal ArticleHadya Soliman Hadya Hawedi, (12-2017), Journal of Economics and Political Science: Faculty of Economics and Commerce / Al-Asmarya Islamic University, 1 (10), 261-274
Effect of water contamination with nitrate on chemical properties and Productive quantity of goats milk in Western of Libya.
مقال في مجلة علميةAbstract: The completion of this research study to compare the chemical characteristics of the samples of milk for the number four of the animals, goats hailstone Shami, the breeder farm in the southern Zawiy city of Ber al-Ghanam area, where the samples were grouped after every two weeks for three months each month has water treated with different concentrations of nitrates have been estimated the chemical content of the milk, total solids, protein, fat, ash, estimate Physic- chemical to milk characteristics such as pH, acidity, humidity, the amount of milk in each circuit during the study and the period from the beginning of the month of March 2015 and to of July 2015. The results showed in this study that the chemical composition of goat's milk increases and decreases depending on the focus labs by the user of drinking water for an animal goats, where the highest percentage of protein in milk 4.43% in the first treatment and indicate the results of the statistical analysis of the data of chemical analysis and no significant effect at the 5% level between the first concentration level (Control Unit) on the protein. While there is no significant effect at the 5% level for the concentration of 2,3,4 levels of nitrates on the protein, but for the effect of concentration levels and time on the total solids The results of the statistical analysis, there is no significant effect for the level of focus on the total solids, while the overlap indicates between the time of the existence of a significant effect at the level of 5% probability of focus, In accordance method of mine tab-fisher method analysis.
خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (12-2017)، International Journal of The Environment and Water: International Journal of The Environment and Water، 6 (1)، 93-105
Application of Polyaniline Nanoparticles Modified Screen Printed Carbon Electrode as a Sensor for Determination of Hg(II) in Environmental Samples
Journal ArticleAbstract
It has been described the development of electrochemical nano sensor for the detection of mercury ions from aqueous solutions based on the formation of polyaniline nanoparticle films. Screen printed carbon electrodes were modified with polyaniline nanoparticles. Electropolymerization of polyaniline nanoparticles was performed by the pulsed potentiostatic method. The sample of polyaniline nanoparticles was prepared by repeating the potential step process three times. Structural and morploigcal characterization of polyaniline nanoparticles modified screen printed carbon electrode was performed using Fourier Transmission infrared (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). PANI nanoparticles were spherical shaped having an apparent dimeter varying from 20 to 45 nm. Square wave anodic stripping voltammetry was used for the detection of Hg(II) on PANI NPs modified screen printed carbon electrode under optimized conditions. Hg(II) was deposited for 60 seconds by the reduction of Hg(II) in buffer solution:(citric acid and sodium chloride pH 2.30), followed by Hg stripping between 0.3 and 0.8 V at the following parameters: Scan rate: 100 mV s-1, frequency: 60 Hz, amplitude: 0.025 V and increment: 4.0 mV. it was found that the PANI NPs modified screen printed carbon electrode had a highest anodic stripping peak current in solution of pH 2.30. The limit of detection value for Hg(II) was found to be 2.50 ± 0.03 ppb. The limits of detections determined are below the corresponding guideline value from the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition, the modified nano electrode exhibited excellent reproducibility and high stability. The developed method was successfully applied to determine Hg(II) in real water samples with satisfactory results.
IS Shaban, (06-2017), OMICS International: Journal of r uoJ Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, 7 (4), 1-6
Evaluation of the Quality of Ground Water for Drinking and Irrigation at Sidielsayeh Garbage Dump, Tripoli, Libya
مقال في مجلة علميةAbstract: This study aimed to assess the quality of groundwater in the area surrounding Sidi Al-Saeh Landfills in south Tripoli, to determine the extent of groundwater validity of this region for human consumption in terms of chemical and germ sides as well as agricultural use, and to compare the obtained results with Libyan drinking water standard specifications for the year 2013 and specifications of Food and Agriculture Organization for irrigation water. In order to accomplish this work, 14 samples of existing wells in the region have been studied. The analyses included: Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Salts (TDS), PH, cations (K+ Mg+2 , Ca+2 , Na+ ), and anions (NO3, SO4 -2 , HCO3, and Cl- ). Furthermore, the sodium adsorption ratio "SAR", adjusted sodium adsorption ratio "adj-SAR", remaining sodium carbonate "RSC" and some heavy micro-elements such as (Cu, Fe, Pb, Cd, Cr, Zn, and Ni) have been determined. Total coliform and faecal coliform "Esherichia coli" have been detected; the analyses result showed an increase in values of total dissolved salts "TDS" in the most samples, where the highest value exceeded 1450 mg/l. Analyzes result of heavy elements were less that the allowable limit in drinking water except two wells known maximum limit allowed in drinking water, namely well No. 1 where cadmium and lead concentrations were increased (0.074 mg/l) and (0.022 mg/l), respectively, for the favorable limit in drinking water. In the well No. 14, it is recorded a high lead concentration than the allowable limit in accordance with the Libyan Drinking Water standard specifications, which is 0.026 mg/l. Furthermore, the wells samples gave germ acceptable results, and then it is considered as potable water in germ side and according to the Libyan Drinking Water standard specifications. Regarding the suitability for the cultivation: upon American Salinity Classification, all water samples occurred within the species (S1-C3) (High salinity water sodium concentration reduced) and the use of this water type causes a problem of permeability in some soils, except certain precautions to be taken for use in such lands.
خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (06-2017)، Journal of Soil & Water Sciences; Suez Canal Universit,: Journal of Soil & Water Sciences; Suez Canal University,، 1 (3)، 7-15
Analytical Study for Physicochemical Characteristics of Bentonite Clay in Libya
Journal ArticleThis study highlights the mechanism of formation for Bentonite clay surface properties. It investigates specific gravity and the influence of physicochemical characteristics on clay stability of structural forces on adsorbed water molecules. In particular, it describes the chemical composition, as well as cation exchange capacity (CEC). Bentonite clay is collected from the Murzuq city located 1150 km south of Tripoli i.e. southernmost town of Libya. The CEC value is leached by 500ppm Ca+2 at pH=8 equaled 84.5 mmoles/kg. While at pH=2, the value is (20.5 mmoles/kg). The leaching process is carried out by 500ppm K+ using flame emission photometer. The CEC value at pH =8 for sample is 91.5 mmoles/kg. Also the specific gravity is found to be 2.597. This value is in agreement with the obtained standard values for Wyoming (USA). The % MxOy of the clay is calculated by gravimetric method as follows: SiO2, 53.75; Al2O3, 21.46; Fe2O3, 1.4;CaO, 0.97; MgO, 2.13, and agreed with the XRF analysis as follows: SiO2, 54.93; Al2O3, 21.46; Fe2O3, 1.71; MgO, 3.18 ; CaO, 0.81; Na2O, 5.48; K2O, 0.54; TiO2,0.32. The results are adequately approximate and reasonable for both methods. The percent is very limited for trace elements Pb, Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn. In the sample, it is about 0.21%. The result of XRD analysis (intensities) for sample is presented as follows: 50% quartz, 50% kaolinite, 5% Analcine, 7.5% Illite, 5% Natrolite, 10% Nontronite, 7% Montmorillonite. The formula calculation depends on the purity of clay and consequently the structural formula for Libyan Bentonite is: K0.094Na1.45Ca0.118 (Al2.92Fe0.175Ti0.033Mg0.646)VI( Al0.52Si7.48 …
Ibrahim S Mohamed Shaban, (12-2016), Libya: Petroleum Research Journa, 22 (1), 144-151
Seedling Tolerance of Three Eucalypt Species to Changes in Soil Alkalinity Due to Limestone Addition
Journal ArticleThe present research was implemented to analyses the seedling tolerance of three species Eucalyptus gomphocephala DC (Myrtaceae) (common name 'Tuart'), Eucalyptus marginata Sm. (common name 'Jarrah') and Corymbia calophylla (Lindl.) K.D. Hill & J. A. S. Johnson (common name 'Marri') to soil-induced stressor, namely soil alkalinity (limestone). Seeds germinated in shallow trays filled with white sand in a naturally lit glasshouse (control treatment). A liming treatment was conducted with 20% w/w crushed and sifted Tomala limestone adds to potting mix to increase soil pH. The experiment was conducted over 82 days. E. gomphocephala is restricted soils overlying limestone on study area and according to total seedling dry weight data and calculated relative growth rates coped best in a limestone-enriched soil. However, when examining all the growth and physiological data collected C. calophylla appeared to be the middling tolerant, with no significant difference in leaf allocation or leaf water loss between the well-watered controls and the limestone-enriched treatments whereas the E. marginata was the least tolerant with a 14% reduction in stomatal conductance.
E. Farifr1 , S. Aboglila1* and N. Shanak1, (12-2016), SCIENCEDOMAIN international: British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 8 (2), 1-8
Irregular Arabic Plural without Stemming.
Conference paperAbstract— With the growth of digital Arabic documents specially in information retrieval (IR) and natural language processing (NLP) applications, identification of irregular plurals which are commonly called broken plurals (BP) in modern standard Arabic becomes very urgent issue. Broken plurals are formed by imposing interdigitating patterns on stems, and singular words cannot be recovered by standard affix stripping stemming techniques. Identifying broken plurals is an important and difficult problem which needs to be addressed. In information retrieval, deriving singulars from plurals is referred to as a stemming. The process of stemming can be achieved by removing the attached affixes from a given word. To the best of our knowledge, all existing Arabic stemmers are unreliable and still under research. Consequently, this paper proposes an approach which identifies broken plurals without the need to perform the stemming process on any given word. The well known decision tree system (WEKA J48) is applied to build a classifier (model) on a very huge Arabic corpus as a training data which is pre-processed and prepared as a piece of this work. The built classifier is evaluated using unseen test set. The obtained results reveal that a very promising broken plural recognizer could be designed and implemented for NLP applications.
Abduelbaset Mustafa Alia Goweder, (11-2016), Hammamet, Tunisia.: Proceedings of CEIT 2016, 1-6
Livestock hydatid disease (cystic hydatidosis ) in Libya. A review
Journal Articleinfected organs mainly liver and lungs and to some extent other organs including spleen, kidneys, heart, brain and bones of the animal carcasses. Prevention of cystic hydatid disease primarily focusing on veterinary investigations for controlling the extent and the intensity of echinococcosis in the definitive host populations, which indirectly may lead to control the prevalence of hydatid disease in the intermediate host animals. Treatment of cystic hydatidosis in livestock is still under investigation but anti-helminthes drugs can be used. Regular treatment, taking high degree of precautions when handling pets or dealing with animal meat must be taken into consideration to minimize the level of infection and egg excretion as well as the vaccination of ruminant intermediate hosts, are all in evaluation.
Mostafa Mohamed Omar Abdoarrahem, (05-2016), American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences:, 11 (2), 70-84
Koenig’s root-finding algorithms
Journal ArticleIn this paper, we first recall the definition of a family of Koenig’s root-
finding algorithms known as Koenig’s algorithms (𝐾,) for polynomials. In the whole
paper p has degree 𝑑 ≥ 2 with real coefficients and real (and simple) zeros 𝑥 , 1 ≤
𝑘 ≤ 𝑑 .
Now we want to discuss Koenig’s algorithms in details where
𝑛 = 4, (𝐾,ସ(𝑧)).
omar Ismail omar elhasadi, (01-2016), The Faculty of Science, Tanta University: Delta Journal of Science, 0 (37), 58-64
Journal ArticleHadya Soliman Hadya Hawedi, (12-2015), ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences: ARPN, 10 (23), 18220-18227