Using Water Quality Index to Assess Groundwater Quality in Al-Nawhi Al-Arbaa Area in Libya
مقال في مجلة علميةAbstract: This study has been conducted to assess the groundwater quality by using Water Qulaity Index (WQI) in the AlNawahi Al-Arbaa in Libya. The study included four areas: Qasr bin Ghashir area, Sidi-AlSaeah , Sbeyah nd Suq-Alkhamis. To estimate WQI, many physical, chemical and bacteriological properties of 14 samples of groundwater were determined during summer 2015.The results revealed that some of physical, chemical parameters of groundwater samples were among the Libyan Standards allowed limits for drink. Bacteriologically, the results showed that the well number (13) was contaminated and was not suitable for human use, while the rest of the wells were not contaminated. In term of WQI, it was found that wells (w2, w3, w12, w13, w14) were within the range of good water ،while the other wells were classified within the range of unsuitable for drinking purposes.
خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (12-2018)، ليبيا - مجلة علوم البحار والتقنيات البيئية: مجلة علوم البحار والتقنيات البيئية، 2 (4)، 27-34
تقييم حساسية الخزان الجوفي السطحي للتلوث بمياه البحر باستخدام نموذج جالدت GALDIT مدينة طرابلس كحالة دراسية
مقال في مجلة علميةتكتسي الخزانات الجوفية السطحية للمناطق الساحلية القريبة من البحر أهمية خاصة فيما يتعلق بإمكانية تداخل المياه المالحة للبحر مع مياه تلك الخزانات، ومن ثم تلوثها، محددة بذلك دواعي استعمالاتها وجدوى استخدامها. في هذه الدراسة تم تقييم مدى هشاشة الخزانات الجوفية السطحية القريبة من ساحل البحر لمنطقة طرابلس للتلوث بمياه البحر باستخدام نموذج جالدت GALDIT ذي المعلمات الست الأكثر تأثيرا على تسرب مياه البحر ,والتي تشمل كل من نوع الخزان الجوفي، ومعامل التوصيل الهيدروليكي التشبعي للخزان الجوفي، و ارتفاع مستوى الماء الجوفي فوق مستوى البحر، والمسافة التي يبعدها البئر عن شاطئ البحر، وتأثير حالات وجود تداخل مياه البحر باستخدام نسبة تركيز الكلوريد الذائب إلى مجموع نسبتي كل من أيون البيكربونات والكربونات الذائبة في المياه الجوفية، و سمك الخزان الجوفي. جمعت 51 عينة من مياه آبار منطقة الدراسة خلال شهر يوليو 2016، موزعة على 8 قطاعات متعامدة على ساحل البحر بمسافة أقصاها 15 كيلومتر وموازية لبعضها البعض بمسافة بينية تصل إلى 5 كيلومتر بين القطاعات، و 2 كيلومتر بين آبار القطاع الواحد. تم تقدير كل من الخصائص الكيميائية لعينات المياه وتلك المتعلقة بهيدرولوجية ومواقع الآبار المدروسة. أظهرت نتائج خريطة توزيع مؤشر نموذج جالدت لمنطقة الدراسة، أن قابلية الخزانات الجوفية السطحية لأغلب منطقة الدراسة معرضة إلى خطر التلوث بمياه البحر بدرجة متوسطة، فيما كانت المنطقة الجنوبية الغربية أقل عرضة لخطر التلوث. لسهولة استخدام نموذج جالدت GALDIT توصي الدراسة بالتوسع في استخدامه في المناطق الساحلية المتاخمة للبحر.
مصطفى علي محمد بن زقطة، (10-2018)، The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology: جامعة مصراتة، 5 (1)، 15-20
Geochemical Characteristics of Six Formations Based on Organic Geochemical Parameters, Murzuq Basin, Libya
Journal ArticleCutting samples (n = 150) and Core samples (n = 6) from the Taouratine, Dembaba, Assedjefar Marar, Awaynat Wanin, Tanezzuft and Mamuniyat Formations ( Jurassic to Ordovician), derived from wells (A-3, B-1, H-1 and H-15), locate in the A, B and H fields, present in Murzuq Basin were analysed. Rock-Eval Pyrolysis, Total Organic Carbon and specific Aromatic Molecular Biomarker (by the use of chromatography- mass spectrometry GC-MS) as geochemical parameters implemented to investigate their Lithology, kerogen type, organic matter (OM) richness and maturity evaluation. Such Formations are fair to very good quantity of organic matter passing in the course of excellent source rocks, have average of organic carbon richness (TOC) value ranged between 0.2% to 16.7% with one anomalously rich sample at 666m (well H-1) where a dark grey shale has a TOC content of 46.1% and high potential yield over 90000 ppm. The studied rocks are ranged from immature to mature of hydrogen index (HI) ranged between 24 - 302 mg HC/g TOC versus pyrolysis Tmax, with dominance of kerogen II/III Type, resulted based on HI versus oxygen index (OI), ranged from 3 to 161 mg CO2/g TOC. The Tmax , spore colouration (SCI) and Vitrinite Reflectance (% Ro) as maturity parameters ranged among 425 - 445, 5 - 8.5 and 0.35 - 3 respectively.
Aromatic hydrocarbon ratios by use of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry pointed to two levels of thermal maturity, where the high level of thermal maturity recorded in lower Silurian, whereas the less maturity was from other formations
S. Aboglila1* , M. Elaalem1 , Y. Ezlit1 and E. Farifr1, (06-2018), Advances in Research: Advances in Research, 15 (4), 1-11
An Experimental Study towards Examining Human Body Movements in Indoor Wave Propagation at 18–22 GHz
Conference paperThis paper presents some initial studies for characterizing effects of human body movements on short range indoor links at 18-22 GHz. Firstly, measurement system is described, and then, calibration measurements along with initial results of the impact of human body movement on the channel are presented for some scenarios.
Ahmed Hassen ELjeealy Ben Alabish, (06-2018), International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC): IEEE, 1-4
An Overview of the Development of Mobile Wireless Communication Technologies
Journal ArticleMobile wireless technologies have followed different evolutionary (generation) paths aimed at unified target related to the
performance and efficiency in high mobile environment, which provides access to wide range of telecommunication services
including advanced mobile services supported by mobile and fixed networks. This paper illustrate the developments of the
mobile wireless communication, focus on the specification and capability for each technology to make an idea about the future
technology what will offer.
Mohammed Alnaas, (05-2018), American Journal of Computer Science and Engineering: international journal, 5 (2), 22-29
Migration of RDBs into ORDBs and XML Data
Journal ArticleAbstract— XML and relation database are two of the most important mechanisms for storing and transferring data. A reliable and flexible way of moving data between them is very desirable goal. The way data is stored in each method is very different which makes the translation process difficult. To try and abstract some of the differences away, a low–level common data model can be used to successfully move data from one model to another. A way of describing the schema is needed. To the best of our knowledge, there is no widely accepted way of doing this for XML.
Recently, XML Schema has taken on this role. On one hand, this paper takes XML conforming to XML schema definitions and transforms into relational database via the low–level modeling language HDM. On the other hand, a relational database is transformed into an XML Schema document and an XML instance document containing the data from the database. The transformations are done within the Auto med framework providing a sound theoretical basis for the work. A visual tool that represents the XML Schema in tree structure and allows some manipulation of the schema is also described.
Ali Sayeh Ahmed Elbekai, Abduelbaset Mustafa Alia Goweder, (04-2018), Faculty of Science, University of Tripoli: THE LIBYAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE (An International Journal), 4 (21), 57-63
The Main Fauna and Flora of Farwa Island
Conference paperFarwa island is considered as one of the biggest and most important island in Libya: it is located in the Mediterranean north western part of Libya, about 2Km from the Abukamash coast, and it's about 150Km western of Tripoli. It has a suitable climatic condition and unique diverse habitats of extensive tidal area, sand dunes, trees, mud flat, marshes, drying salt lakes, and beaches. The mean annual temperature is 19ºC and the mean annual rainfall reaches 200 mm: these conditions provide a good habitat for many plant and animal species. The most common plant species at this area are: Eucalyptus gomphocephala, Retama retam, Phoenix dac-tylifera, Artemisia campestris, Thymelaea hirsuta, Juncus maritimus, Helicrysum stoe-chas, Tamarix aphylla, Ephedra alata, Citrullus colocynthis, Ziziphus lotus, Lycium europaeum. The most common mammal species seen in Farwa island are Lepus ca-pensis, Vulpes vulpes, Ictonyx libycus, Hystrix cristata. There are many kinds of reptiles like lizards, snakes, and sea turtles. And also there are many kinds of arthropods like beetles, butterflies, moths, ants, bees, wasps, locusts, spiders and scorpions. Water birds form the most important fauna elements in Farwa island. This island is the most important area in Libya for many migratory birds, especially for the birds which are under world wide danger of extinction like Thalasseus bengalensis, Ichthyaetus audouinii, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, Aythya ferina, Numenius tenuirostris. There are many migratory bird species breeding at this island, the most common are Sternula albifrons, Hydroprogne caspia, Sterna hirundo, Tringa tetanus, Larus ca-chinnas, and Charadrius alexandrinus. Fawa Island provides many kinds of birds with proper conditions for nutrition, reproduction, sheltering and wintering, because of its different habitats and convenient climate condition.
Tarek Basher Jdeidi, Fauzi Ahmed Saed, Mohamed Abdullah Elhosk, (01-2018), Italy: Attie Memorie Dell’ente Fauna Siciliana, 171-176
Using Access Control List against Denial of service attacks
Journal ArticleHadya Soliman Hadya Hawedi, (12-2017), Journal of Economics and Political Science: Faculty of Economics and Commerce / Al-Asmarya Islamic University, 1 (10), 261-274
Effect of water contamination with nitrate on chemical properties and Productive quantity of goats milk in Western of Libya.
مقال في مجلة علميةAbstract: The completion of this research study to compare the chemical characteristics of the samples of milk for the number four of the animals, goats hailstone Shami, the breeder farm in the southern Zawiy city of Ber al-Ghanam area, where the samples were grouped after every two weeks for three months each month has water treated with different concentrations of nitrates have been estimated the chemical content of the milk, total solids, protein, fat, ash, estimate Physic- chemical to milk characteristics such as pH, acidity, humidity, the amount of milk in each circuit during the study and the period from the beginning of the month of March 2015 and to of July 2015. The results showed in this study that the chemical composition of goat's milk increases and decreases depending on the focus labs by the user of drinking water for an animal goats, where the highest percentage of protein in milk 4.43% in the first treatment and indicate the results of the statistical analysis of the data of chemical analysis and no significant effect at the 5% level between the first concentration level (Control Unit) on the protein. While there is no significant effect at the 5% level for the concentration of 2,3,4 levels of nitrates on the protein, but for the effect of concentration levels and time on the total solids The results of the statistical analysis, there is no significant effect for the level of focus on the total solids, while the overlap indicates between the time of the existence of a significant effect at the level of 5% probability of focus, In accordance method of mine tab-fisher method analysis.
خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (12-2017)، International Journal of The Environment and Water: International Journal of The Environment and Water، 6 (1)، 93-105
Application of Polyaniline Nanoparticles Modified Screen Printed Carbon Electrode as a Sensor for Determination of Hg(II) in Environmental Samples
Journal ArticleAbstract
It has been described the development of electrochemical nano sensor for the detection of mercury ions from aqueous solutions based on the formation of polyaniline nanoparticle films. Screen printed carbon electrodes were modified with polyaniline nanoparticles. Electropolymerization of polyaniline nanoparticles was performed by the pulsed potentiostatic method. The sample of polyaniline nanoparticles was prepared by repeating the potential step process three times. Structural and morploigcal characterization of polyaniline nanoparticles modified screen printed carbon electrode was performed using Fourier Transmission infrared (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). PANI nanoparticles were spherical shaped having an apparent dimeter varying from 20 to 45 nm. Square wave anodic stripping voltammetry was used for the detection of Hg(II) on PANI NPs modified screen printed carbon electrode under optimized conditions. Hg(II) was deposited for 60 seconds by the reduction of Hg(II) in buffer solution:(citric acid and sodium chloride pH 2.30), followed by Hg stripping between 0.3 and 0.8 V at the following parameters: Scan rate: 100 mV s-1, frequency: 60 Hz, amplitude: 0.025 V and increment: 4.0 mV. it was found that the PANI NPs modified screen printed carbon electrode had a highest anodic stripping peak current in solution of pH 2.30. The limit of detection value for Hg(II) was found to be 2.50 ± 0.03 ppb. The limits of detections determined are below the corresponding guideline value from the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition, the modified nano electrode exhibited excellent reproducibility and high stability. The developed method was successfully applied to determine Hg(II) in real water samples with satisfactory results.
IS Shaban, (06-2017), OMICS International: Journal of r uoJ Environmental & Analytical Toxicology, 7 (4), 1-6